The sun and blue sky are back today, but last week during a shocking spell of wet, cold and wind I thought my new little lemon tree was going to split with the weight of the lemons swinging on it. Luckily it didn't, but to let it get ahead we picked some of it's crop and also some from the old established tree which is laden. Okay, so we have had lemon pudding and although it is probably not good for us I have always loved LEMON HONEY ( curd to some of you ). I like anything sweet but tart or sour, so lemon things are some of my favourites. So my first job this morning was making some. Here is my recipe .
Lemon Honey.
In the top of a double boiler melt 220 gms of butter. Add zest of 4 large lemons then the juice from them plus any more to make up 1/2 a cup.
Add 500 gms of sugar and stir occasionally till sugar dissolves.
Add 4 eggs lightly beaten, stir in. Continue to cook , stirring now and then till mixture thickens. This could take quite a while. Cool slightly and pour into sterilised jars.
* NOTE. If you happen to have any extra egg yokes these can be added or if you have several used instead of whole eggs. ( some recipes use only yokes ). The taste will vary depending on your lemons. A smaller quantity can be worked out from these ingredients if you had only 2 lemons.
Yesterday I picked this basket of green goodies ( avocados, sapotes and Bay leaves ), while walking around our property surveying mess and damage done by last weeks stormy weather.
The last photo is for you Meg. Amongst treasures I have kept are a Winning Post Chocolate box and the ( 3 bears) sizes of Evening in Paris perfume bottles.