It had an amazing turn of speed, so I had to run for the camera. The second photo I took is a blur as it wasn't wanting to stay still and pose for me.
I had run out of fruit bread that I really liked so popped on the bread maker and made this. It is really moist so I am very pleased.( maybe it didn't distribute the fruit totally evenly.) It has seeds and sultanas and cinnamon in it.
After a slow start the tomatoes are really ripening well now.
The wee red ones on the right are the new variety called Tomaccio.
They were advertised as being good to dry, so this is what we are doing with them. ( they are really nice just to pop in your mouth too! )
We are then storing them in jars and pouring good oil over them. We are not sure about just leaving them dry? ( we are new to dehydrating.)
Down in the home orchard ( which is some distance from the house ) we are having a battle with a possum.( an opossum but no one says that any more ) We have put out a cage trap and a yellow Timms trap with nice apples, as bait , but no way....he wants to climb the trees. He ate all but one apple ( so I picked it before it was ready ) and both the Nashi part of which he dropped on the ground. So no nashi for us to try this year. Hopefully as the trees get bigger we will get some for us.
There started of being 12 plums . I picked one before it was ready - it was delicious cooked so I picked 3 more and 3 remain not quite ripe on the tree. ( where did the other 5 go? ) ( I think it must be one healthy possum! )
As you can see I am picking a small number of blueberries every couple of days. We know they are not getting enough water in this heat so I have been taking them water to try and size up the remaining berries. I also discovered they can be picked before they are totally black and they ripen within hours of picking. We have 4 blueberry bushes 2 very tiny and 2 bigger. My friends L and B first gave me a plant as a birthday gift 7 years ago and so that tree and it's mate are growing quite well. To get enough for a really decent pick I think I need about 10 bushes. Maybe I will plant some in between the ones there and make a hedge.