The lawyers were holding us up trying to straighten out some minutiae. We could see we were going to miss our 5 pm deadline so were stressing to the max. We asked in writing ( email ) for them to send the money across to the seller's lawyer. We know the sellers as yet have nowhere to go and we did not want to give them the chance to call the whole thing off.
It was a huge relief just before 5 to hear the money arrived and we were now committed to guying the property. Phew!
Our new place which we will shift to in the first few days of next month is only 2 kilometres away from here. It has a very large garden with lots of fruit trees and a little jetty at the bottom of the last part of sloping lawn. As soon as we get there I will show you lots of photos.
Meanwhile I have been packing smaller fiddly things. Grandson ( now 2 years 8 months old ) will feel reassured that ALL the wooden vehicles are moving with us. Along with all the other toys and books. I bought 6 large Sistema plastic tubs for my fabric stash. That was the first thing I packed.There is of course lots of equipment and books as well in my sewing cupboard.
My lovely Daphne bush has decided to flower now so I get to see it and I have picked some for the kitchen window sill.
It will of course be staying put as will the waterlily bowl beside it. It has a crack that would not let it be transported without destroying itself.
I will miss my garden very much but can look forward to seeing what comes up in the new one and then making some changes there. I know we will be enlarging the vegetable patch ( but at least it has one established ).
The carpet got finished!
Meanwhile I have had a birthday ( 7th ) and a nasty throat and cough which lasted 2 weeks went away then the cough came back and is still with me.
Today R had a medical appointment so I went along and walked in the sunshine. Good thinking as it is now raining. I am sure 45 minutes Vit D must have helped. I am consuming Vit C at an excessive rate and trying to get plenty of rest.....that part not working quite so well. Stress may have something to do with it too.
Never mind things are moving along now and we are looking forward to our retirement.
( Will I still want to call this blog, The Quilting Orchardist? )