Thursday, December 03, 2009

Fabric Stars and Rabbits

Rabbits are cute and fluffy  - Yeah right. They are also pests in NZ." They," have been getting altogether too cheeky and when they scratched out some of my just up bean plants R started tucking the gun under his arm ready, everytime he walked to the mail box or along the paths. This morning 4 were frollicing in one spot - he got 3; so one is still at large ( along with lots more I'm sure ), but those ones won't be eating any more veges! ( Well done R ! ) He laid them out on the grass in a clear space so the hawks will spot  them from the air and get a good feed.
I have planted 6 Cavolo Nero plants, which I had read about and not grown before. It may be too warm now but I want to see if we like them. ( black cabbage) ( cross between silverbeet and cabbage I'd say )Apparently they have been grown in other parts of the world for some time. Has anyone tasted it?
While I was checking something out on Kiwiquilts website I saw this free pattern for making a fabric star. ( very easy )( just one page to download or just read it ) I thought as I had all my hexagon templates I should make one. So last night I had it stitched up in no time. I am very used to working with hexagons, one of my favourite shapes for making all sorts of mats etc. Thanks Mary! Do have a look at her site;  lots of great things there.

The only suggestion I would make is pick 2 fabrics that really contrast, so the star stands out.
Finally, orchard things. * We had lovely much needed rain! *
*The avocados are packed and we got 85.66% export ; 6.98% for local market NZ sales and 6.42% went for making oil. ( which if you haven't tasted is fabulous ) That is a great result. *Kiwifruit pollination is finished ; it is now a mass of tiny new fruit - more on that later.


  1. I wish R was at my house. We are being overrun with rabbits. The other evening I was a Great Horned owl sitting on the top of a telephone pole. I hope he got some for dinner.

  2. Isn't it amazing destructive those cute, fluffy little rabbits can be? They've killed trees in my yard from eating around the bark. Bad Rabbits! Love that cute little ornament!

  3. I'm fascinated to know how Paula got to the top of the telephone pole....Wish I could have been there to see it!
    Poor little bunnies! Though I know what pests they can be. My uncles regularly laid traps for them, then my grandmother served up rabbit stew. You can order it in many restaurants in Belgium. If you get tired of orcharding you can raise rabbits for profit! Just the thought would probably give your poor husband nightmares! That star looks so nice and sounds so easy....

  4. Oh me too Molly! I'm sure Paula is a good sport and doesn't mind our laughing. It quite made my day. If I could be a bird an owl would be one of my choices.

  5. Rabbit for Christmas Dinner Yummmy. Love the Christmas star xxx

  6. Rosemary likes to catch rabbits & bring them in the cat door.
    Might be quite handy for you GRIN!

    Love Leanne

  7. The rabbits fur is excellent to keep your neck warm.

  8. Friends have given Gom a farmed rabbit for me to cook for him. I will not be sharing it!! I can hardly believe R got 3 of the rabbits- how come they didnt run away after the first shot?
    I suspect the wild ones are diseased as they are over here, so even if you wanted to, you could not eat them?
    I do envy you your garden. Mine is a ruin.
