Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2 More Motifs.

Everything is very wet again this morning but only 1 mil in the rain gauge. Still that makes it too wet to work under the vines. Later perhaps.
2 more motifs have been sewn on the ball, but I see that seam stitching is still showing on the sheep one so I will do another round of chain stitch.

Last evening friends came over for a rabbit shoot and dinner. T has a silencer on his gun and was able to get 3 rabbits. We had been saving them for him to have a go at as he lives in an urban setting and doesn't get the same chance as country folk. We know there are plenty more for R to still get because yesterday morning when we got up there were 5 on the lawns around the house - that's getting rather cheeky.
Leanne you'll appreciate this. For dinner we were able to use our own lettuce, mizuna, red onion and rocket in a salad; freshly dug potatoes, just picked green beans and tomatoes,  and our own avocados. Even some of my strawberries in the dessert. ( we had to use bought meat, prawns and dairy products ) It was delicious.


  1. Mentally sitting at your table, enjoying your bountiful produce!
    Love that sheep!!

  2. The strawberry looks so real!
