Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It Rained!

At 4pm we got rained off. Yes rain! Only 8mm but together with another 8mm we had at 4.30 am on Monday morning, it has settled the dust and washed in the fertilizer. We need more but are grateful for any.( it has just started again as I'm typing!!! Yeah )
     Here is a photo of the orchard floor when we have done our thining. ( taking off the small and mis-shapen kiwifruit ) One has to step very carefully. This shows why it is taking one person between 20 minutes  and  half an hour to complete one vine.

This is how my hair looks after having 2 coloured foils put in. Similar to once before but more of it.

Here is the next photo of work on the felt ball.

A row of chain stitch around each pentagon in a different colour covers the seam stitches. Further rows of decoration may be added as with the maroon pent. Then I will add the motif. If you enlarge the photo you can see how the red chain stitch is over the top of the seam stitches.


  1. Foils look excellent, mine are due on 23rd Jan - hanging out the re-growth is not so pretty LOL. Rain - crickey we should send up our lot - its so cold in Welly lately and rain last night OMG was very heavy. Mind you wouldn't really want the rain at the moment whilst you're harvesting, so I'll guess we better keep it a little longer... Hugs Jx

  2. I have some natural stripes.. what I call the 'witchy stripes' at the front of my hair. It is now greying all over but the used-to-be-blond stips at the front are now grey-- hence 'witchy'.
    Love those soft friendly felt balls. I made my son a Gonk, of felt, & he loved it dearly.

  3. I can tell you we often get kiwi fruits that are "flat" shaped so they are not from your orchard.
