Saturday, August 04, 2018

Many Different Views.

Today it is overcast and misty giving us quite different views from the house.
 This is from the lounge door. 
 On a finer day this pic looks up the valley from the top steps.

The clumps of daffodils are a bright splash of colour 

This lot Molly with the avocado tree behind them.
See it is quite large.  As we know what to do with avos we will prune it into a vase shape to let more light in and reduce the overall height.
I picked some of the first blossom from the flowering Cherry ( Pink Cloud  - 3 of those ). It came out quickly inside in the vase.The trees have a real red tinge and will shortly burst forth.

 You know I like taking photos of mailboxes well this is ours...the one with the red flag up.
( no scruffy boxes allowed obviously ) 
 These of course equate to how many homes are in out small subdivision.

 I got my knitting out yesterday. Hurrah!!. Feels really good to be knitting again. I made rapid progress. Just the sleeves to do now.
 I think my cold is on the way out -seems better today. Having to stay in in the warm so here's hoping.


  1. It all looks so lovely there. Sounds like you are settling in - will take time but you are going to enjoy having easier days I'm sure after all those years of hard work with the kiwi fruit! The avocado tree looks awesome - wish I was your neighbor to help pick and eat, haha!

    Take care, may each day be special in your lovely new home.
    Mary x

  2. Your season is quite a bit advanced compared to ours. My daffs are only about four inches high and just showing the first buds. Fruit blossoms are a way off yet. That is a very neat row of mailboxes. We hadn’t seen that style of plastic mailbox until we visited NZ. Now we occasionally see one over here and straight away declare “Kiwi”.

  3. lovely views there xx Hope you are settling in OK xx

  4. Your new property has some stunning views, looking forward to seeing what the garden has for you. Very envious of you having your own avocado tree. Enjoy
