Monday, October 21, 2019

But Wait.

But wait. There is 4. I climbed back up with the camera to check on progress and found 4 thrush eggs. I also googled how long it takes for them to hatch. It seems 13 - 15 days after the last eggs is laid.
 So that could be any time soon. We saw her this morning and its possible she is feeding something.( time wasting activity! but when they are so close out the window I can't help noticing ) 

 Some bright spot in the garden. pink Gazanias  and yellow Geums ( Lady Strathenden ) just beginning to flower.

 On the kitchen bench , my favourite carnations ( pinks ) ( Dianthus Dancing Queen; Sugar Plum and Memories )

 The Graham Thomas rose was broken out by the wind. It is tied up tighter now.


  1. Your garden is providing beautiful flowers. I can’t wait to hear that the eggs have hatched.

  2. Those eggs are such a beautiful colour.
