Things are looking a bit different because on Monday morning this week ( 18th ) I had cataract surgery on both eyes. The right one first and the second one 5 minutes later. The actual procedure under the microscope was surprisingly quick. No pain or discomfort just strange noises and bright lights. Such a nice surgeon and nurses.
The drive home( as a passenger ) was rather scary as it was pouring with rain and the traffic was heavy. At that stage I was seeing double and there seemed to be cars and lights everywhere. I was glad when we got home as I was feeling nauseous. As soon as I got out of the car I was fine.
I have recovered very quickly and am remembering to put my drops in 3 times a day. I can see very clearly mid and long distance but am wearing hobby glasses to read, text and use the computer. Not sure if this will change. I may still require reading glasses. Driving should be so much easier. I can see clearly across the estuary and use binoculars again. Looking in the mirror is a bit of a shock - all those wrinkles!
What am I finding difficult. Not gardening! Feeling naked without glasses. ( wearing provided sunglasses outside or in bright light )
It must be so good to have better vision. I hope it continues to improve a bit more. When my Dad had cataract surgery he no longer needed glasses. I never did quite get used to seeing him without glasses, as he had worn them all my life.