Monday, November 13, 2017

Brightness and Quilts.

 This Azalea mollis ( deciduous )  is like a bright beacon in the garden and smells  powerfully strong.
 Up near the front gate this rhododendron  - Carey Anne is now past its best I took the photo when it was at it's peak.

 I haven't finished any quilts but at P and Q Helen had made this that she started at Symposium. For her brother's 60th.
 Christine had finished this quilt which is a combination of cotton fabric and felt over the top with fancy stitches.

 I have however finished the wee bright blue jersey for Grandson.

 Last week we had visitors in the orchard from Canada ,( a 9 year old and her Mum ) seeing what we were doing...thinning kiwifruit buds. They had never seen kiwifruit or avocados growing before ....far too cold where they live.

 We were pleased to know they do like eating both kiwis and avos.


molly said...

I'm sure your Canadian visitors are delighted with your Spring weather!

Mystic Quilter said...

It's so good to see your Mollis in bloom, beautiful colour. I had them down in Christchurch and loved them. I've never tried them up here in Auckland, perhaps if I find them a cool spot in the garden they might make it!

Shelina said...

It is so strange to see these beautiful flowers when it is so cold here at the start of winter. Christine's quilt is gorgeous!

kiwikid said...

Beautiful flowers and quilts, love the kiwifruit and avocados here too.