Today the flower on a pot plant is called Huernia . It looks like a succulent but apparently is its own genus.
The pot stands near the front door. See how the bell flowers hang down;that makes getting a pic of the inside of the flower quite tricky. I guess the pot needs to be up high.
Earlier this year these cyclamen had a rest and did not like the heat so I popped them under the outside work bench in the shade and they are very happy.
This afternoon I sat in the vege patch and went along the row of Brassica pulling these off. Whtie butterflies are still hanging around.
This morning was a full high tide that made its way up onto the lawn as it does every time there is a 2.1 metre tide. The jetty looks like it is is almost floating We have a fabulous sunny day.

Son's wood pile is surrounded
That is a very interesting looking plant, pretty flower. Always good to see views around your place.
Those pesky whites!!
What an unusual flower.
What an unusual plant.
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