Thursday, August 08, 2024

Lots of Gardening.

Since we left the orchard ( 6 years ago now ) I haven't had a bird bath in the garden only water dishes. Now I have. Purchased at a closing down sale It was a good buy. I mainly have blue or terracotta pots in the garden so it fits in well. Notice behind the first flowering cherries called Pink Cloud are out We have 3 that flower early.

 The first freesias will be out tomorrow,

 There is quite a lot of colour for August.
 This afternoon it had turned dull and chilly so that will stop the progress.
 We have spent days digging out a whole row of agapanthus and disposing of them which is jolly hard work but looks oh so much better. ( we have more we will do in time. )

 We have had a run of bright sunny days following frosty mornings so some photos like this one at the weekend have bright bue sky. 
 Here Grandsons and little friends are having fun in the water at the hotpools for littler grandson's 6th Birthday.

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