Time snatching like multitasking is a great way to make a little progress when I feel I'm not getting projects done. Sometimes I use the timer on the stove and tell myself take 5 minutes and see how much you can achieve. For example switch the iron on, and quickly wash some new fat quarters in hot water then iron them almost dry. Later in the day leave the cutting mat ready and fussy cut the images I want, then by evening when I have some time to sew it is ready to go. I have just introduced 9 new fabrics for my Girlie Quilt that weren't around when I did the boy one. ( that's the 2nd pink fabric...I don't have many of those, but it's okay to have pink in this quilt ). I am very fond of the Laurel Burch designs, she really has her own style always recognizable as hers. I think it is the detail and embellishment on her creatures that makes them special rather than her actual drawing.( I really like the fish and snakes )
At the weekend I managed to quilt 2 12.5" blocks ready for my class on the quilt as you go method next week. I'm pleased with my effort even if I only did stitch in the ditch around a star and card trick block. it looks good on the back. I need to get 2 more ready.
Early on Sunday morning during our walk around a huge new subdivision about 10 kms from here, I took this photo of an original artform in a roundabout. Big rectangular pine logs, bolted together.
I must take some photos to show you how big the kiwifruit has grown...we are still working on the crop, letting light in and removing rejects or anything that won't make it cause it's too small. It rained over night so the humidity is right up there!!!