Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Winter Garden flowers.


I've been picking these Queen Proteas for the vase on the bench and giving some away.

 Yesterday when a high wind warning was forecast I picked these Jonquils and Paper Whites. Their smell is all over the house.

 The Daphne has got quite large now and I have picked several bunches . It's perfume is quite divine.
Next post I will show the flowers that are out but I have not picked.

 I finished the green vest but it was too large for smaller Grandson so 3 years bigger Grandson got it instead.

 Old Bear used to be good at modelling my knitting but he is no longer big enough for the job!

 No body helped me with my problem so I sat down and looked at how it was to turn out and did it myself. Very proud to have finally solved that. This next red version is for smaller grandson. ( its red not pink like my camera is showing )

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