Thank you All. Our cousin J is safe and busy working at the hospital. Her husband A was not even in Chirstchurch at the time of the earthquake but has returned now. ( the phones were down earlier )They have very little damage in their home in the suburb of St. Albans.
Meg I knew you would be sad to see your old home city so trashed - glad your ones are safe too.
It has been a long stretch now since anyone was rescued alive in the quake zone. Offically 103 identified dead. ( more unidentified ) 230 still missing.
Watching and reading we are moved by the acts of kindness, help and frienship - brings out the best in most people (but not all ). The smell is getting bad , understandably. We realise that those outside Christchurch area knew far more about what was going on than those living there without TV or communications.
We are all trying to carry on as normal , remembering what things in life are the important ones.
March Plans
4 hours ago
It's good to read happy stories amid such horror. My thoughts are with those living in the Christchurch area.
Ali, it is all very distressing. I have just learned that another blog friend has lost her husband,(not in Christchurch) and I feel devastated.
We seem to be having an "Annus Horribilus" in our lives at present.
We are praying for all goodness, that cathedral...
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