
Debs and Shirley and Laurie has John Key's ( Prime Minister ) speech . Laurie also mentioned that Deb was safe - That is wonderful. Does anyone know about Darlene in Lyttleton ?
TV news seems reluctant to update Death toll figures . 75 confirmed dead and possibly 300 unaccounted for.
We still have not been able to contact our cousin J and her husband A who live in Christchurch, so will keep trying.
Tomorrow we need to attend the funeral of our old neighbour. That now will more difficult with all the emotional roller coaster we are all feeling here in NZ.
Such an awful tragedy - please let us know if you manage to contact your cousins xxx
Oh Ali -- the death and destruction has been so sad. It's so good to know that you are safe.
Ali, its terrible our love and prayers are with all that have been affected. I really can't believe how much damge and devastation has been caused. It must feel awful for you guys too. Love to all <3 <3 <3 <3
Ali, Deb was able to tell me that yes she and her family are safe. Darlene (who lives in Lyttleton) has had to decamp to the family batch as her house is unliveable, however she is safe also. Only spasmodic power at the moment and not many with water either. A bonus is that the phones are still working.
I hope you find your cousin and her family safe. We have followed the news here in the states - best to you.
So glad that you are safe!
We have managed to contact all rellies and friends in Chch. Thankfully they are all safe. Not so sure about dear blog friends, but hoping for the best.
Gom, and our children were all born in Chch, so we are really sad and sorry to see the beautiful old City destroyed.
I loved that city, which was my home for 20 years.
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