Thank you to those of you who commented and reinforced my decision on the layout of the first bandanna quilt in my previous post. I have not had any sewing time since last weekend as it has been a full on week workwise. Trashmaster I suppose you could say making quilts out of bandannas is a form of recycling.
This is the next bandanna style I have to work with. ( for bandanna quilt # 2 ) On the left is the 9 inch square that I can cut 4 of from each bandanna.( I'm saving the off cuts ) I thought the pattern as it is might be a bit troublesome to look at if one was not well so that's why I have cut it down into 4. I have just 3 of this same bandanna so will get 12 x 9 inch blocks.
Having decided how I wish to use these blocks then created another problem. I really wanted to use up scraps and didn't have enough of any one fabric. So I decided to use 4 different fabrics in each colour family, around each 9 " square. ( once again I found the pattern printed on the bandannas was not square ! )
I like this idea and have finished these 3 blocks so far. Other colours will follow - I have the strips cut ready for more sewing this weekend I hope.***********
First thing today I got out and mowed all the lawns before it got too hot. The growth on everything is phenomenal at the moment. ( grass; weeds; plants and vines. ) That's what heavy rain in Summer causes. While I was doing that R started skinning the tomatoes for a double batch of sauce.

1 comment:
I can almost taste those wonderful looking tomatoes! Bliss.
I have just had my sister to visit and am now talking like a total native again, so my family tell me!
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