Firstly pick them up off the ground or if you are really organised lightly feel each fruit to see if it will just fall off in your hand ( no bruising at all that way.)
Put them in the fruit bowl and admire and smell. ( It's a good clue as to their ripeness.)
Select some nice softish plump ones.
It has rained all day today and most of yesterday. I have got lots done. Yesterday I caught up with my quilty friends. I needed some female company and chatter.
My Rrainbow Tunnels Bandana quilt was finished for show and tell and went into the pile ready for me to take to Canteen in the next few weeks. I think we now have 10 or 12. I sewed on the first bandanna quilt yesterday and today and the top is almost done.
* I made some suitcase I. D. material handles for our suitcases. ) Why? The last time our young ones came home from UK some other passenger took the wrong bag at the airport ( luckily only the small airport at Tauranga. ) Luckily V noticed hers wasn't there but a similar one was and we ran after the person and stopped him before he had time to get away - I think it was just carelessness on his part but he hardly even said thank you. Imagine that happening at a large airport - one might never find the person in time - hence our Luggage extra easily spotted ID.
Fabric with bright yellow NZ Kowhai flowers on it.

Roger made me 2 jars of pickled red capsicum yesterday with the ones ready in the garden. OH Yum. ( have to leave them a few days yet ) He makes himself pickled garlic - not me - give me Capsicums any day.
Man alive those feijoas look delish!
As soon as I saw the Feijoas I could smell them and taste them in my memory! Thankyou for having some for me!
I love to see those dear little fantails. Remind me of childhood when we seemed to see them often.
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