As there is no photo to go with my post heading I have added this photo of Vireya Rhododendron - Pink Delight which is flowering beautifully in a large blue tub. I grew it from a cutting from the Mother plant. It has a lovely perfume.
It has been a fairly mundane week ( that's okay ), mainly orchard work, but I have been spending any time I can grab ( like this morning as R is busy in the kitchen ) doing research for our trip. With our young ones help several parts are already planned and booked.( the Ireland and Paris parts. ) This morning I have been checking out some more unusaul things to do in London. I am recording details of anything I think we may wish to see or do in my diary.( any helpful suggestions appreciated. )
*I finished reading "World Without End, " by Ken Follett. 1111 pages. I loved it, but it was too heavy to hold.
* I collected tickets etc and opened cash passports.
*I have about 3 feet left to sew on the binding of my Rainbow Tunnels ( bandanna ) quilt.
*We are still picking beans; tomatoes; courgettes and capsicums.
* We are making food to take to a family B'day party later today for R's brother, who will be 65 tomorrow. We will stay over night in the Waikato.
* I am off now to make Courgette Fritters or similar for lunch ( mustn't waste our home grown veges ) and complete that hem!
*I wish you a relaxing happy weekend Everyone.
This photo is for Leanne. I hope you may get some flowers from your nerines. I have then planted in 4 different places - this lot in the most sunny dry location flowers first.
Let them eat marmite sandwiches
3 hours ago
Hi there - your flower picks are lovely - can almost smell that rhodo from here. Have a lovely weekend away.
We were gifted some golden blooms which I think, are Nerines. Their grower, says they grow wild, and she harvests them for market, and makes a pretty profit. Clever girl!!
Meggie , you are lucky, I haven't got a yellow nerine. I have lots of red, a few pink, a white that struggles and a baby pink which came originally from my Mum's garden.
Do you have a photo of your yellow one?
Ali, I did take photos but must have accidentally deleted them from my camera, as they have disappeared!
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