The rain started late on Friday. It rained continually yesterday ( 75 mls ) so after some quick housekeeping jobs I spent the day Sewing. Yes I did , sewing!!! I cut and sewed narrow white and wider black borders for my Rainbow Bandanna quilt. I then pieced together enough batting to fit ( must remember to buy more soon ) and pin basted it.
I am really pleased with it. It gives a different optical illusion whichever way you look at it. ( 4 different ) Maybe I should call it Rainbow Tunnels. Later today I will start quilting it. It is a reasonable size for me to manage.
This morning the rain has stopped but everything is wet. The lawns need mowing as there are grass seed heads I don't want to seed down but it is just too damp out there at present. I did finish clearing a patch I was weeding last week so I could plant out 2 punnets of Torenia ( Wishbone Flowers ) I bought on Friday. They are quite large and all in bud so should be able to flower brightly before Autumn is over. I don't remember the weeds ever growing as fast as they have this Summer. ( someone who is supposed to know had predicted it was going to be a long dry Summer for us. ) How wrong can they get it?
This is how dull and rainy it was when I went for a walk. Not the usual bright light skies we have in NZ. **************************
* Sal I will email you when we have finalised when we will be in Northern England./ Scotland.
*Thanks Molly I will add that to my List.
Let them eat marmite sandwiches
3 hours ago
Love the bandanna quilt, what a great idea - and such a useful one!
Your rainbow quilt looks wonderful! Our sky is blue today, but we very often have the same kind of grey heavy sky you're having now, even in summer.
That looks awesome! Good job, I really like it
Love your rainbow quilt, and I have to admit I didn't when I saw earlier pics! But you've done such a nice job with it!
Things look so much worse, when it is dull and wet. I am glad you were able to sew. I love the quilt, very effective.
what else does one do when it rains, it looks fantastic!
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