Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bumble Bees and Charity Quilts.

Last Thursday our ordered Bumble bee hive arrived.. It is to help with pollination of the avocados.
 It is okay when a box is buzzing.... ( not ticking! )
 Carefully take it out of the protective carton ...immediately it has a dank honey /beehive sort of smell and the buzzing is much louder and more agitated.

It's not easy to get a photo but you can see them in there. 60+ . Maybe 75.
 The plastic hive is  sat on a stand of 4 wooden stakes in a sunny spot between the 2 avocado blocks. They are already flying off into the sky; we hope to the avocado trees. Tonight they will be joined by an Honeybee hive( the more normal type of bees used for pollination of our avos ( and later on our kiwifruit )).

Last Friday at our Patchwork and Quilters group we had a final look at the many, mostly small quilts that members have made for various charities, before they get delivered. I can't show them all .
Here is a selection.
 Small ones like this are needed in the local Maternity unit .
 Larger ones like this are being donated to Plunket.   J did this design out of her William Morris book.
 Larger ones still are going the the Refuge.

 Larger light weight ones ( no batting ) and a clutch ball are going to the Ruel Foundation in the Philippines.

 and many many more.

 A very wise vase of Flowers!
 I had to give the sage bush a partial haircut even though the bees were enjoying it ( there is still plenty ), as it was falling all over my wee newly up Whippersnap peas.
 This is my 3rd small planting. As the whole pod is eaten not many are needed for a salad.
 The 1st lot are just beginning to flower.( Yum I can't wait. )
Everything in the Herb garden has really grown fast. Even the strawberries under the frame you can see are finally sporting new lush green leaves and some flowers.

 Thank you to my commentators. ( commentors ) ( Jennifer; Q I : Isabelle; Gemini Jen; Charlotte and Esther. )
 I have written down your suggestions on a card I keep in my handbag for next time I am near a bookshop. I have also Googled all the books and Authors you suggested.
 So, 2 new, to me, Authors and several books to look out for . Thank you all and for your other comments I love hearing your views.
 Finally what about this for a colour scheme.
 I might use that in a quilt? ( It's a Euphorbia flower next to a Sweet William flower - By chance. )


Leanne said...

How come you use bumble bees? Then honey bees? Never read of folks using bumble bees totally got my interest. We have lots of both visiting our place but there are hives a few paddocks over from us.
Your garden is looking wonderful we had lots of rain over labour weekend, good for garden.

Pam said...

I know bees are Good Things but somehow all those bees together make me feel a little... hmm. Just a bit too buzzy for me.

Those are lovely quilts! I can't imagine being that good at quilting that I would just gaily give a quilt away. But it's lovely that your friends are, and do.