Wednesday, September 05, 2018

I've Had My Gumboots on Most of Today.

 I've been strenuously working in the garden then decided to take a break down at the Jetty. The tide was coming in fast.
This trailer was delivered this morning, so having it's first photo shoot.
This is the boundary fence between us and nice neighbours.
From their side the sun makes a swaggy shadow.
 Do notice the sky in these two photos.When R offered me a quick ride back up the guessed it....I had the first ride in the trailer!
 Glad I did cause it bucketed down.

 First thing this morning this was in the sky.( it has a 2nd very pale one to the right ) 
But then the sun stayed out. I got washing dry...then suddenly navy blue sky.
Earlier we both had been pulling out half dead box hedge. R wants to plant his potatoes behind here.
 He has a heavy grey strap around the trunk of the plant. The Hustler does the work.

 Elsewhere I was carefully digging my ones out.

 The  first lovely cherries are now finished and have new feathery red leaves.  4 more are yet to flower - different  ones.


Diane-crewe said...

LOVELY colours .. and wellies made me laugh xx

Chookyblue...... said...

Glimpses of your new garden look lovely.....