At this time of the year there are lots of bees around here naturally ( wild ) and in hives stockpiled around the district in open paddocks and near bush, ready and waiting to be taken into Gold Kiwifruit orchards and Avocado orchards at night ( when they are all inside the hives ).( in a couple more weeks into Green Kiwifruit orchards as well ) So we are used to bees. BUT...
We were sitting eating lunch when we heard a lot of buzzzzzzing. Bees had decided to swarm and that our chimney might be a good sheltered place to make a home! They started entering one after the other down a crack in the chimney surround. The room was rapidly filling with flying bees. While I rushed and shut all doors to contain them, R grabbed the only spray we now keep - natural Pyrethrum and climbed up and started spraying where they were coming in. After a few worrying minutes it did slow, then stop their entry. Meanwhile out the windows we could see bees everywhere circling the house. It wasn't safe to go outside for some time till they came to their senses and swarmed into a Magnolia tee in the garden.
Now comes the what if part. If we had not been inside the house at the time the whole swarm would eventually have been inside our lounge!( or somewhere else inside the house, cause the internal doors would have been open. )This morning I vacuumed up lots of dead bodies - we feel awful for killing our workers but on the spur of the moment felt we had to protect ourselves. The remarkable thing is not one sting! ( apparently they are less likely to sting when swarming ).... yeah right I'm not taking any chances..... I will continue to love bees for the work they do for us and take their photos when they forage in my flowers............ but lets not live together!
Sounds like a little bit too much excitement for proper digestion!
Goodness me. They were taking advantage of your hospitality.
Wow..I would have been terrified...and would have left them to it and called in a man to deal with them... so quick thinking on both your parts.
I confess, I would have been terrified. I am extremely allergic, & once almost died after being stung on my scalp.
Sounds frightening to me - I would hate to be up close and personal with that many bees! Glad you all survived the swarm without any stings.
Ohmygosh -- that's amazing! I would have been afraid that if I sprayed them they'd just get mad and come after two are very brave. I think I would have just closed all the doors and RUN!!! So happy you weren't stung!
I am scared to death of bees :(
Wow, how scary! We have not seen a bee for such a long time around here, we have colony syndrome...they are dying out. But I still don't want any in that close proximity!
Cor blimy ! How dramatic !
Maybe you should have just lit a fire ?
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