My friend D, made 6 too; in very different shades. All 15 are now making their postal way down to Rangiora, to Shirley and the others putting the quilts together down there. This afternoon as I worked under the vines I listened ( on the radio )to the very moving Remembrance Service held for the 29 Pike River Miners, who died. (Parts of it were repeated on the TV News tonight.) Well done Greymouth and every one involved. It was held on the race course.( I have stood on that ground when I was visiting there in 1968. I was there taking part in a Young Farmers and Country girls Stock Judging Competition.)
This year we have a much smaller crop of Avocados then we had last year. ( It was our record crop so far. ) Yesterday R and I did the ground picking of the avocados. The hydralada ( cherry picker ) was delayed ( bother! ) and now won't be able to do the high picking till Saturday.Here is how we do our part.

Ali, I have made a dozen hearts which I will be posting off to Shirley tomorrow - I am glad to be able to make them, but so sorry that the need is there.
I love avocadoes too but they cost at least $1 each here and often are either too hard to eat or full of dark spots. Sigh.
I love avos too. They never seem to get very 'affordable' here.
Last time we were in NZ I made a real glutton of myself over them!
Lovely blocks and they will be most welcome.
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