Yesterday I attended as I do every year the AGM of Zespri ( who market NZ kiwifruit ) which is held in Baycourt in Tauranga. This is how the stage looked when I arrived early. Why early - well car parks become difficult to obtain for 2-3 hours if you don't get there early. It is a very formal affair.Absolutely male dominated. Each year one brave female will ask a question, but no female ever gets on the Board of Directors, which I think is narrow minded as women do have a different perspective and usually make a very worthwhile contribution. There are lots of female employees at Zespri ( I used to be one! ) and many kiwifruit growers who are female ) A few of the Rural groups FMG for example now have one woman director. I wonder if it will ever change? Will Fonterra ever have female in put? (I know in another age I would have been a Suffragette ! I have opinions and a strong sense of what's right )
Note in the photo the picture of kiwifruit varieties in all their sizes and colours.
Back at home I have this week started working back in the orchard. After the pruners have finished I go up and down the rows cleaning, tidying, finishing what they have done. I cut off tangles around tied in canes; unclip cut plastic ties; cut off little bit of cane left dangling by stocking top ties.; pulling out odd bits of cane that have been cut off and accidently left in the canopy.

It's true that a farmer's work is never done! Let's hope for some female representation on that board before too long.
Your version of your bucket bag is very effective and, as always, I love following the progress of your year in the kiwi fruit.
You work so hard Ali. I wonder that you find time for your wonderful quilting.
I recently read a quote; "Women who strive to gain equality with men, lack ambition!"
Sad, but true.
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