I came to the computer feeling tired and a little Blue, and read what 3 friends had written in the comments on my Blog and it made me laugh and feel much better.Deb you DID send some sunshine today, thanks! But when we rang the packhouse this morning to find out what progress they are making with the kiwifruit picking they said it will still be 5 days till they get to us.That will be June by then; I do hope the fruit isn't starting to go soft. If you are wondering why it is such a big deal....It's because the kiwifruit forms about 80% of our annual income...So if anything goes wrong.........No fabric...No lots of other things..... Thinking too much....It will be okay!.
Since the sun was shining I washed heaps and sprayed weeds on paths with the Knapsack sprayer and raked up huge amounts of leaves and got really warm. ( good work out! )
The blocks in the previous photo are going to make a quilt, I hope ( with just my blocks, not a group thing ) Just what size I will see when I have got more done. Yesterday I did about 5 more. I haven't decided how I will position them yet...Lots of possibilities.
My Bernina 440 Quilters Edition, is working well; I can thread the needle first try now and the blocks are working out well using the 1/4 inch foot. I'm off to watch Simply Quilts on TV now...do you ladies watch it? We are getting old editions , years behind in fact, but I still enjoy most of it.
I tried to up load my photo to my blog Profile but it told me I was doing something illegal??? ( I think the jpg name had capital letters in it ?) Doesn't really matter I guess....might try again with another sometime.