Enough about holidays for now I think. I have in fact been carrying on making hexagons for my blue backed girlie themed "I Spy Quilt." ( for those who have been visiting here a while it is the same as the black backed boys quilt I made) This one is going to be slightly larger. The rows across have 15 (58.5" ) then 16 ( 62.5" ) then 15 etc hexagons per row . So far shown here I have completed and sewn together the first 9 rows. These are sewn by hand then machine quilted then sewn together by hand in rows ; then rows sewn to rows. ( lots still to go )
Today 2 young guys came to put ECO wool insulation in the half of our roof / ceiling that had none. So for NZ$900, the bedrooms and office and bathroom should be much warmer - I'll let you know about that.
I have added a couple of photos I liked from the holiday that you haven't seen. One is a huge Oak tree in Hagley Park in Christchurch - how come walking through all those leaves was wonderful but walking through leaves off my own Oak tree crowding around our back door is NOT!
The other pic is of wide open spaces in Otago - neat eh? ( all photos are enlarged on clicking )