Quite a busy week. Our journey to Wanganui/ Waverley and back ( over 1000 kilometres ) went safely. For those of you not Kiwis it involved crossing the North Island, which has a mountainous plateau in the middle. It was quite dark and snow was beginning to fall.
Many of my photos are dark and I didn't want to be getting out - too cold! We cut across and went down the Parapara Road to Wanganui. It was zero degees and dusk when we took a brief comfort stop at Ohakune. We were surprised at how go ahead that ski town now is.
The funeral was huge as we expected.( the sun shone luckily for all the folks who had to stand outside ) It is always a shame that it takes such an event for folk and families all to get together.
On our return journey on Wednesday the sun was out and we came back via the Surf Highway ( round the back of Mt. Egmont ( Taranaki ). This photo of the mountain was taken from the road where we used to live ( pre 1978 ). ( Kakaramea ).
And zooming in to the mountain.
Just as well I took these as the mountain did it's usual trick of hiding behind clouds for most of the rest of the journey. The dairy farms in the area have really, really modernised and so have the roads - all for the ease of the big milk tankers. It is still being worked on with bridge widening and 4 lanes in many places.
We stopped at this place and R wanted a photo of the door.

We stopped off at Te Kuiti and I took photos of stained glass panels that I will save for another post. ( might be a quilt in those ! )
Yesterday was P and Q Group. We had a big turn out and so much wonderful work to see. Ruth took us on her quilt Journey of 20 years . It is amazing to see all the work.
Unfortunately we have several very unwell ladies. One dear lady ( not all that old ) is now back on Chemo every week from now till Christmas...it seems so unfair! ( that doesn't help I know ) So we have 2 without hair and one still undiagnosed and others with unwell partners.
So grab the moment ladies - smell the freesias, enjoy friends' company; take time for yourself.
Also fitted into a busy day was a visit to the Tauranga Embroiderers' Guild Exhibition. As always so much lovely stitching...some quilts too and lots and lots of Biscornu.

Perhaps some more photos from there tomorrow. It is very, very wet here today so I plan to sew...better get to it.