Here's the 2nd wee fabric basket I made. Not so wee this time. It probably has nearly twice the capacity of the first wee one. The lining measures 17 by 12 inches so that will give an idea of the final size. Finished it sits 6.5 " high and 11 inches from end seam to end seam. I used some of the Laurel Burch Christmas fabric from the jelly roll I purchased last week. I found when I sewed the box ends I got some little tucks in the fabric which bugged me. So I reopened the lining and went in for a repair operation - now no tucks nice and neat. With the end already cut off I was able to put my finger in the end to flatten it; then I tacked it and checked before resewing it. Now I'm happy with it.
As my group ( Tauranga Patchwork and Quilters ) is holding it's Exhibition next Friday, Saturday and Sunday I have been getting my 2 entries ready. I made this big sack for Purple Splendour and the other smaller quilt also has it's own purple satin Pillow case. I am part way through making the label for the big quilt and tried out 2 of the wee die cut hearts on it. They adhered very easily and look cute. It still has to be completed and sewn on so I'm nearly ready. Last year's velcro hanging strips will fit joined together. SO we all have a busy few days ahead. We hang the quilts on Thursday at a different venue this year..... much smaller and right in the city. ( it was all a venue price thing )Room for less traders stalls but that can't be helped.For anyone local reading this it is being held at Baycourt in Tauranga.
What is your favourite non expensive sewing aid? ( I take it we all love our machines; rotary cutters, cutting boards and rulers. ) Mine might be a wee chalk marker. You may all have them BUT if you don't I would recommend one. The screw top end removes so refill chalk can be added and if you look very closely at the pointy end you may see the wee teeth of the wheel that leave the fine chalk line. I find it excellent and the chalk line brushes away later if still visible. ( it's a Clover product )What is your favourite?