Friday, July 19, 2024

So Many Lemons.

 When we have so so many  lovely clean skinned lemons sometimes it is best to make them into Lemon Honey ( lemon Spread, Lemon Curd - they are all just different names for the same thing  )
 Its one of my personal favourites. ( sour/ sweet )

On Tuesday I managed to finish this next little sleeveless vest for smaller Grandson. My sewing up is not the greatest but tidy enough that it can be worn inside out. ( but not back to front! ) 

 8 ply pure NZ wool should help to keep his little body warm outside.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

A Worthwhile Read.

 The Librarians of Rue de Picadie by Janet Skeslien Charles.

A novel based on the true story of Jesse Carson who joins CARD ( The American Committee for Devastated France )  during and after WW1.
 I like to learn about brilliant strong women who never got the credit they deserved for the wonderful work they did. I enjoyed it and learnt quite a bit. ( just recently Published ) Recommend.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Winter Garden flowers.


I've been picking these Queen Proteas for the vase on the bench and giving some away.

 Yesterday when a high wind warning was forecast I picked these Jonquils and Paper Whites. Their smell is all over the house.

 The Daphne has got quite large now and I have picked several bunches . It's perfume is quite divine.
Next post I will show the flowers that are out but I have not picked.

 I finished the green vest but it was too large for smaller Grandson so 3 years bigger Grandson got it instead.

 Old Bear used to be good at modelling my knitting but he is no longer big enough for the job!

 No body helped me with my problem so I sat down and looked at how it was to turn out and did it myself. Very proud to have finally solved that. This next red version is for smaller grandson. ( its red not pink like my camera is showing )

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Knitting Puzzle.

 For the 3rd time I am knitting

 this sleeveless vest for my Grandson.

 The simple pattern consists of groups of 7 stitches. Where the 3  - 4 rib changes to 5 -2 there is a twist.

 I can make    it go one way but not the other. I asked my friend D also a good knitter and she couldn't make it work either.
 This ( above ) is how it is supposed to look.   I have had to leave it out completely and just knit straight like this.
Is there a mistake in the directions or is it me doing it wrong ?
 If you are a very good knitter maybe you could try and see if you can make it work. Id be very grateful.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

What Did I Purchase.?

 We decided when we arrived at the Exhibition to go around the Merchants first as the quilts on display weren't going anywhere but the merchants might sell out their best things fast. They didn't. Their was a great variety. Patchwork Web; Puddles Books and More; More than Fabric; Widebacks; Aroha Quilts; Bernina and my Favourite that day Tis the Season (.Tis the Season.)  On her display was a knitted Double Wrap Cowl in Aran Jewelspun. Very attractive. I bought the pattern and some yarn ( its not actually wool I later found out but very, very soft ) ( made in England )  I will probably make a scarf instead as I have quite a short neck We'll see.


 I also got some packs of these die cut flower shapes as I am currently making a wall hanging with Tall flowers.( the one at the top I cut out myself so new shapes will add to the variety I have)  ( I doubt Ill use the orange and yellow ones )

Also a pack of green felt

 No fabric I have quite a stash already and need to use that. ( I know some of you won't understand that - he he. ) That was quite restrained wasn't it!

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Five Go Up to Whangamata.

Over the long weekend ( King's Birthday here in New Zealand ) 5 friends who quilt together, sew together, eat together and most importantly talk together went off for the weekend to Whangamata ( up the Coromandel Peninsular )  The Quilting Club there was holding a 2 day Exhibition. What a wonderful show it was to attend. Free parking; real coffee; nice food for teas and lunch; wonderful quilts and lots of merchants. We were very happy! At most quilt shows in NZ those viewing are asked to make a Viewer's Choice. To me that is rather impossible. I hardly ever do it. The only way I can decide is to say which quilt or wall hanging would I like to take home with me ? This one I think.What unusual colours to put together  but it worked so well and really appealed to me.

Also on Display were wall hangings from an Aotearoa Challenge called Light Up. The entries had to include a Shoo Fly block somewhere ...some were hard to find and needed studying carefully 

This was the winner by Lois Parish - Evans.

   This was by Eleanor Cole

 This was by Sandie Sixtus of the Boulder Bay Lighthouse in Nelson.

In another section this wall hanging by Mary Romhany stood out for me.- Such fun.

 Tomorrow I will tell you about the Merchants and purchases.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Car Journey.

 In the last month we have had to make the journey from BOP to Rangitikei Area and back  twice. On the return journey this last Sunday the weather did oblige and we got splendid views of 2 of the mountains that are in the centre of The North Island.

 Mt Ruapeghu is 2797 metres.

 Mt Ngauruhoe through the windscreen.

 Mt Ngauruhoe is 2291 metres.
We didn't see Tongariro.
Lake Taupo was blue with just a ripple. So clear and inviting.

 Again the Lake from Taupo town.
 The first journey was to visit my only sister in hospital.
Sadly the 2nd journey was to be at her funeral.
 She was my only sibling and 3 years older than me.

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Deciduous Trees.

 I've been walking around our subdivision today. It is dull and cloudy but quite good for taking photos of coloured leaves on the mostly Northern hemisphere trees.which already have  begun falling. This maple is on the shared land behind the tennis courts ( which belong to us all ) 

Down the Western walking track that loops around to the estuary  are Black walnut trees. ( good for their  wood and making furniture not for the nuts )
Other neighbours' properties  have pin oaks and liquid ambers and one Nyssus silvaticus and one Gingko biloba.
 With the wind we ALL share the leaves. They blow down driveways and over hedges.and into cutters..

 In our garden is just one New Zealand Native tree that is deciduous a Kowhai.
 Out of 260 New Zealand Native trees only 11 are deciduous.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Beautiful late Autumn Days.

 Zygocactus or Schlumbergera or in the Northern hemisphere you call it the Christmas  cactus is coming into to flower out side a ranch slider window. There are a few fungal spots on some leaves  and deep within a spiders web, but it is brightening my day.

 This for you Pam. I know you dislike the colour orange but that is the colour of persimmons. This bowlful on the bench is ripening. They need to be the dark  colour you see at the bottom. They can be eaten when firm like an apple or left longer till they become a bag of clear orange jelly.  Sweet and juicy,
 I prefer them crisp. The original parent trees many years ago produced very astringent fruit but that has been breed out of these new modern varieties. ( Persimmon Fuya )
 Perhaps my favourite fruit.

Thursday, April 25, 2024


         We are remembering them.


 It is about a week earlier than we usually start picking Satsuma Mandarins. They are a bit tart still but this tree and some others have a big crop so there will be fruit for several weeks.
 I have also picked the ripest persimmons . Although  we've  used bird nets we are still getting a few bird pecks.
 Lots of them too -  Persimmons possibly my favourite fruit.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024



I just picked up what would fit in my pocket. It's Autumn so the Eastern walking track I use is smothered in fallen chestnuts. There are about 10 tress. Nobody else seems to pick any up because those who walk dogs won't go there when the prickly nuts are all over the ground (The prickles get in the soft pads on a dogs paw )

 Before they fall the nuts look attractive in the lime green prickly containers.
 Castanea ( not sure which variety ) probably Castanea sativa.
 As kids we used to roast them on a metal hearth shovel in the open fire till they split or exploded.
 As a nut it has no oil and a high starch content but tasty roasted with butter if you can be bothered.

Sunday, March 24, 2024


 If you have been reading this blog for some years you may recall that back at the orchard we had 3 walnut trees. One was particularly good. I used to spend hours this time each year collecting the nuts. Well here at our next property I am still doing it.

 This is my 2nd collection; I got  today after we had some light rain last night. The rain helps to split open the green outer casing so the nut is  revealed. The nuts now have to be dried ( in the sun ) for 2 weeks before storing or shelling.

 The tree has become very large and is near the ground in many places. This allows me to pull the nuts directly from the tree and discard the green casing. Its good because the nuts never touch the ground below.

 Here is a photos of the middle lawn with the walnut tree in the middle at the far end.
 When this season's nuts have all fallen or been picked off, the tree will need a big haircut and  the low branches removed so R can mow under it. Lately he has had to duck and dive.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Another better Walk.


Yesterday I walked the Puketoki Reserve long Track. ( Leyland Road Whakamarama )  It has wonderful untouched New Zealand Native trees / bush. The tracks are mostly well maintained and there are 2 bridges. There are quite a few steps but I managed well  as I always take a stick in case.

 This is the Te Puna Stream - way above where it gets to us.

 I was really delighted to be greeted by this tiny  North Island Robin  that  sat on the track and chirped at me. Not frightened.

 There is lots of regrowth and variety. Logging stopped in this patch of bush about 100 years ago.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Out Walking.

 This afternoon I had the opportunity to walk through I'Anson Reserve ( in Te Puna ). I have shown you this walk before. For me it makes a change from walking just around our subdivision. It's all rustic bush and ( some weeds and swanps and little ponds. ) I know all the NZ native tress and there is nothing that special here  but not bad as it is mostly looked after by volunteers.

I entered on the left ( here ) and exited on the right then walked down that road around a corner along that road and ended at Te Puna Village.

 A composting toilet is hidden behind some trees and beside the track should one need it
 My hand sewn felt mandala is almost finished
 I think it will become a cushion.
 A storm was forecast so I picked these to save them being trashed.