I try to fit in a walk every day. I don't always manage to, but I enjoy the fresh air, sunshine and keeping up my fitness. On our property as well as orchard land we have 2 gullies with little streams ( creeks ) at the bottom and a stand of New Zealand native bush. We have planted more varied NZ native trees where ever we can. So some days my walk takes me around our place ...through the bush; over the stream and beside the kiwifruit vines and avocado trees. Today I took some photos in our bush.
One photo shows a big Rewarewa tree ( native Honeysuckle - the dominant tree in the bush here ) with a vine growing up it. Another shows a Ponga tree fern against the sky.
In places where it is flat and clear Roger ( DH ) mows the grass with the big ride on mower so there are little clearings as you go along. Our visitors like to take this walk too.