Late last year a new bossy club member persuaded us all ( at P and Q ) to make a donation quilt by all making the same block. Our sewing group ( of 6 ) made this blue tones Braid quilt which Jan then assembled into a pleasing quilt. (It's just on hangers here, Its not really wobbly - last Friday during Show and Tell display.) I am sure whoever it is given to will like it .

Vireya rhododendrons do well here. This is bright and lush looking at the moment as we drive out our front entrance, which has garden on either side. It is called Tickety Boo and is about 2 years old.
Back in Sept 15 ( I just checked ) I showed a packet of seeds I had just planted in trays. Snapdragons ( Antirrhinum majus ) called Twinny Appleblossom. This is them flowering in clumps around the garden. I had a good take with the seed but its a long process from seed to flower. I hadn't noticed it says height 25cms! so they are quite low growing.
How do you decide which books to donate to a coming up Used Book Sale? We always buy up large when it's on, so need to make space on our shelves. BUT its difficult deciding if you might ever want to read a certain book or author again. So many favourites. Eventually we filled a couple of cartons up and delivered them. The Sale will be in a couple of weeks.
Books I have enjoyed recently are:-The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. ( apparently its been on TV - I didn't see it )
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
;The Botanist's Daughter by Kayte Nunn.