Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Good Read.


 I have just finished this book. I  really enjoyed it . Fiona writes a great tale. Hard to put down.     I have read about 8 others by her and this would rate with the best.


Home grown sweetcorn is a favourite of ours. I microwave the cob with some of the green outer still on, for 2 minutes 10 seconds. . Cool for a couple of minutes, peel and slather with butter and lemon pepper.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Less Not More.

 5 days into a new year already and not a great deal to show for it.

 I did complete this new jigsaw in about a week after Christmas. A rectangular shape is quite unusual.
 My eyes are okay. I am still putting drops in 3 times a day. I am finding the constant changing of reading glasses and dark glasses a trial - not used to it. My previous glasses which I put on in the morning and took off at night did everything for me. I didn't appreciate how convenient they were. Maybe when I go back to my optician we can work out something more convenient for me.

 The Billington plums are ready and the tree is loaded. The Grandsons helped pick some by climbing the tree.
 R has pickled 2 large jars ( In vodka )
 My friend Jan gave me this beautiful wool. She got it on her recent travels in Europe.100% merino and so so soft.
 I've started knitting it but will need to find  similar to have enough for a  simple scarf I have started knitting.

I have decided to try and do less....of some things. Record keeping. I didn't buy a diary to write up each night for this year.(I have previously done that for years and years )
 I have plenty of other lists and records. Books Read. Plants planted.  Sewing projects work notes.
 And of course the occasional blog post.