I liked the colours before but a wide purple border has really made it sing! Before it was a green and purple top; now it is a purple and green top.
In one photo is Inky the cat acting as self appointed Quilt Inspector. He is being spoilt at the moment cause as you can see he is alive and well/ recovering. It wasn't cat flu!
On Monday evening he was lying on the cool tiles in the kitchen asking for his dinner when I spied about half an inch of something protruding from his nose / mouth ( not completely certain which ). I bent down thinking it was something stuck in his fur but as I gently pulled an 8 inch long ( see photo ) piece of cutty grass of some kind appeared from inside him. ( it had a hard sharp end and clinging texture ) That was his sneezing problem and had been inside him presumably for about a week - poor little bugger..... it came out easily coated in mucus but he was instantly in recovery mode. Now he is playing for lots of extra fuss. He is down to about life # 4 now I think. ( did he eat it ? )
So that is 2 very good things. No vet visit and my quilt top finished . Each border has tended to stretch out the wrinkles. Thank you all for your comments.
Yes, Margaret of course you may use the instructions. The instructions for the original Hearts quilt ( same method ) are back in blogs I posted in April / May 2007.
Still very, very hot. We had a lovely meal and company on Sunday night - I did need to get out, so it was fun! Back to work now after taking a long lunch break.