Yesterday was drizzily on and off all day which was wonderful. Although it only amounted to 5.5 mls it washed the dust off everything and gently soaked in.The blue water lily bowl always reminds me how dry things are getting when I need to fill it up.( Normally the rain does that for me.) During the mist I raced outside and cleaned out the birdbath so it could fill with rain, but any bird washing there today will have to jump around, no ducking under like they usually do ( a sponge bath perhaps ). Clouds are still looming so we may get more.
All day Saturday I gardened like a mad woman cause rain was forecast for Sunday and I had lots of jobs that needed doing. Very tiring but I got there eventually. So when it was damp yesterday I felt well able to take time to SEW! I have backed the little scrap quilt ( yes, it is small; just 41 by 43 inches ) and have machine quilted a grid in the middle by stitching in the ditch and a few rows in the seams of the borders. It is still not lying totally flat but I redid 2 seams but know the centre stretch was the real problem. It will be okay; I can live with it. Now in the wide space of the outside purple border I am just starting to do a circle pattern by hand with variegated green and yellow thread. I am doing it by hand as I need hand work. I know it is a bit bit strange to do both machine and hand quilting on the same article but I make my own rules.
Late yesterday I started pulling out fabrics and scraps for the next scrap quilt (I have in my head) - the idea is a continuation on from this quilt.With a flower theme. More soon! As It is not yet raining again it will be back to the kiwifruit vines - but I've had a wee break which was restorative for my muscles.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
That quilt back is looking good and it doesn't matter if you hand quilt and machine quilt on the same quilt. I make my own rules too and I say, If it works for me then that's OK.
I like your blue bowl amongst the green leaves an attractive addition to a leafy patch of garden.
Of course you make your own rules and there is nothing wrong with having both hand quilting and quilting by machine on the same quilt. I am sure it will be great.
I also make my own rules and mix up hand and machine quilting on the same piece....After all they are our quilts. If we can't make and break the rules things are at a sorry pass....
If you would like to try something different come on over.......
Your Hostas look so healthy. Mine has been eaten by snails I suspect.
We have more rain arriving they tell us, so our garden is running amok!
I am glad you make your own quilting rules- so do I.
Love the colour of your little quilt. I also love the wonderful leaves alongside your lily bowl - they look as if they have also been quilted.
Rules? What are they?
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