In May I'm doing a class at my P and Q group taken by Jill, one of our experienced quilters. I have seen her finished quilt made in blues and browns. ( pale blue to navy and cream to dark brown ). It is to be made in 2 colour ways so which 2?
Well, I've made red and green, and last year about this time I did yellow and blue and recently purple and green. I'm giving the purple and green little quilt away so maybe make another similar......... ah decisions. Another younger quilter, Helen, in our group, has her fabrics selected and cut ready - she decided dark wine reds and creams; they looked yummy!
We have to have ready cut fabric in 2 colour ways about 15 different of each - now my stash can't manage that so after seeing what I had I visited The Barnhouse to purchase fabric. I went with 2 possible colour schemes in mind and had it quickly made up because one just wasn't possible - very few teal coloured fabrics. So purple and olive green it is. Not bright green this time; olive to khaki or slime coloured greens.
I still haven't got 15 different of each but am working on it. Seeing the photos here helps. I can see I need more very dark green and very ,very light.
The photos show the fabrics I already had that were possibilities and the one with the brown background shows the NEW fabrics I got. Of my stash fabrics there are 3 piles; the ones at the front are large yardage, the 3 on the left are fat quarters and ones on the right slightly less than a fat quarter. I love what I have picked so far.Now I'm off to wash, iron and then begin cutting!
Meantime I am still patiently machine quilting the Fun Flowers quilt. I've only done about a quarter so far.
During this very wet week we had a rain event ( as they are now calling them ) on Tuesday afternoon ( more than 6 inches in a couple of hours )that caused a Big Mess, minor flooding which left debris and head sized rocks and the house gutters just couldn't cope.(R has cleared most of it away with the tractor grader blade ) I have photos but decided they were a bit depressing and it is fine again now so fabric pics were much nicer.
Other stuff - No buyers!
( photos enlarge by clicking ) ( do you like my colour choice???)
Happy quilting my friends. ( or blogging or reading Molly! )

Ali your fabric is delicious!!!! I really like the one on the right side of the bottom row in the first photo. Do you know what collection is it from?
I like purples & greens together. It's like ripe grapes whith green leaves. I used that same combination for my son & DIL's wedding quilt, & even some of the same fabrics you showed here.
There is nothing quite as much fun as agonizing over fabrics for a new project! I love your lavenders and greens, and agree you need a darker and a really light for some oomph! What pattern will it be?
I adore this combination of purple and olive - when my nephew was a toddler (he's 18 now and almost ready to head off to uni) my sister bought him a pair of what had been very expensive dungarees in this colour combination from an exclusive kids clothing shop in the sale - they had loads of gorgeous details on and I just loved them - your fabric selections reminded me of them straightaway - can't wait to see what you do with them Ali
Hi Abbykat,
It is a moda fabric. Unfortunately I only got part of the info printed along the side as it is only a fat quarter. but the part I can read says, By Sentimental Studios for moda pattern # 15306. (I'll see if I can spot it on their website. ) I think it is based on a Peacock tail.
Abbykat, I couldn't find it on the Moda website but located at QE Online Quilt Shop. It is called Madam Butterfly - 5.
I didn't buy it on line but will have got it somewhere in NZ - possibly at Calico Christmas last year.
It certainly is a yummy fabric. Hope that helps, Ali.
Your fabrics are beautiful. Love your color choices.
I like those purples and greens together. Choosing the colors, placing one fabric against another to see how they work together, adding one (or two), taking one out--this process is one of my favorite parts of quilting! Looks like you are having lots of fun with it.
Your fabrics are beautiful.
Hi Ali
Thank you very much for the information about the fabric. I am going to my quilt shop tomorrow so will ask if they have it.
I am looking forward to watching the progress of your quilt.
I love deciding on colours for a new quilt although lately most of mine have been scrappy. Purple and green go so well together and you have some real beauties in the mix. Oh isn't quilting exciting ? lol
Hee hee, a rain event! We don't have a lot of them down here in Canterbury!
Thanks for visiting my blog - I have failed miserably to knit 2 socks at a time, but relaly must make an effort to complete both these berry ones as I LOVE the wool!
Hi Ali
Choosing fabric is THE best part. The second best part is getting that binding sewn down. I like all the bits in between just as much except, perhaps, for basting. I HATE that part! Love your fabrics - both lots :-)
The fabricks are beautiful!
Kind regards
Beertje Zonn
Those colours are gorgeous! I've just been catching up on your blogs - your retreat and walks sound lovely.
My daughter moved to her own apartment last week, so as soon as things settle down with work I'm taking over her room for a sewing room. Can't wait!
It is so fun to get new fabrics for a new project! Your fabrics are just lovely...
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