During the week I completed 2 more little quilts for SANDS. I took the 4 I had made along to my P and Q Group meeting day
yesterday and found that Jan G had also made 4 and 10 others had completed one each. 18 so far, from our group and the Tuesday evening group may still have some to hand in. I also gave my 6 little knitted beanies and 2 sets of booties. We did hear that 900 quilts are needed annually in NZ so that is a sad number of wee babes who don't live!
There was lots happening at our meeting yesterday ; Robin from Tauranga Sewing Centre, talked to us and showed us all the latest products they have in ( and examples of their use )and bought along the Bernina 75 th Anniversary Quilt that Tauranga have for display for one week. This quilt was made by each Bernina Dealership in New Zealand making one block that depicts their area. It was huge and has the blocks surrounding a stylized map of NZ made from rectangles of NZ fabric. ( there wasn't room to get a good photo of the whole thing). The last photo shows the block Tauranga Sewing Centre ( 38 years old )made - it depicts a surfer at the Mt. beach and the centre of the sun is a kiwifruit slice. This quilt is travelling around NZ to be displayed fow a week at each bernina Dealership and a few other places, so some of you may get to see it. Robin also informed us there is yet another new Bernina machine arriving shortly and it will cost US$12,000. Finally Bernina are working on producing a quilter's long arm machine too.
The rain has returned again today. We have had kiwifruit pruners here for about 3 days now ( some working in the rain today ) and the hedges all got trimmed and yesterday while it was fine and sunny the big mulcher came and chopped up all the hedge prunings. That gives us some work to do following the pruners neatening and taking off old stalks and clips and DH mulches up the prunings with our tractor towing the mower. We don't do that in the rain - the sun will return and I need to get my neck and arms slowly used to work above my head again. BUT from next week there will be more orchard work and less sewing happening........I quite liked being retired for a few weeks.