Yesterday at my P and Q Group we were all busy making aprons. They are all the go you know! ( if they ever went away )
Val had given the instructions out 2 weeks ago so many of us had already made a start. Many of us had come up with better ways of putting one together and I had started looking for other alternatives to using a fat quarter and all new fabric. In my photo the purple and mauve floral apron was done according to the instructions using a Fat Quarter ( hydrangea range ) and the colours are lovely - nicer than the photo shows.
The apron on the right was made using a previously made block - intended for a quilt ( I have 5 more just the same ) that I went off and had waiting in my sewing cupboard.( one of my rare UFOs )
I have also got ready a pieced border that didn't get used that I intend putting with calico and other fabric to make a cheaper apron. There are all sorts of possibilities and me being me, intend to explore them. They will make lovely gifts. I personally prefer the aprons that look like a patch worker made them. I am taking progressive photos so could do a tutorial, as they are very easy.
I can just imagine UFO's are a rare thing in your life. you manage to do such a lot. I love those aprons.
The aprons are lovely! A tutorial would be handy.
Very cute aprons :)
They are beautiful aprons. I'd be afraid to wear them & mess them up!
When I first started quilting my girlfriend told me you aren't really a quilter unless you have at least 6 unfinished projects! I have way more than 6!
You must be very organized.
Wow Alison your Blog is awesome. Lovely yo hear from you. Your so busy. I don't really know how this Blog business works. I just wanted to get away from Facebook!! Nancy still has the lovely ball you made her we will treasure it always. Love to you both
Sal xx
Oh, please do a tutorial. Theya re charming.
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