I'm between ( not betweens they're needles ) big projects. I have finished lots of small things.( many for club... all the Ruel Foundation things; I've made my Greek Cross block ; I've made my sample Card Trick block and written up the instructions and photocopied 30 for other members ) I have started another quick project to show the ladies on Friday ( see below )and this afternoon I am working on my Inky Cushion.( Thanks Helen! )( will show when finished ).Why am I inside instead of getting on with my orchard work? When I got up this morning it was fine...by the time I got dressed it was raining and still is...good, cause I've got sore wrists ( what's that about? ), but bad cause the work's not getting done........oh well! ( my newly planted seedlings are loving it and it is washing the fertiliser into the avocados...so We can't have it all ways . )Lets face it I don't mind having to sew LOL!

Back when we had our Exhibition I selected this book for our P & Q Group's library, from the merchants mall.. 2 other ladies have had it out but I spied it being brought back last time and have had a turn. I have actually read it from cover to cover (a quick, easy read )and have selected 2 projects from it I wish to make.
I have started ( and could finish today but I want to show my group it partly made, so they may see how simple it is. ) Quite a different sort of bag... LARGE and constructed back to front, as you begin with the backing and batting and add the fabric top - foundation piecing.
As it only requires 26 of the 40 strips in a jelly roll I have selected the very brightest from the JR I got with the gift voucher my son sent me last December. ( thanks Jim )The rest of the roll will be just right for another project I have fabrics to match in pastels.( pink even! )
The Moda Jelly Roll is called All About Colour - Cozy Quilt Design . # 3405 JR.
These are the lovely brights I am using. ( I didn't have a JR of servicable browns the picture shows ) Mine will be a BRIGHT bag.
I have sewn the first 3 rows on ( bottom of photo )and it is going well.The others are just lying ready. I'll show a photo when it's completed. It should be very useful. Now back to my cushion project.
* Note to Meggie. I hope you are feeling better today. I agree about garden photos making the garden look better - it's cause the photographer selects the good part and cuts out the rest!
It´s good you had a day off the orchard :)
My wrists & ankles have been sore lately. No idea why.
Glad you had rain for feeding the avocadoes. But, best of all you got to sew!
That quilt carry bag looks really interesting! I'll be watching for photos of when it's finished.....
I love that book. That's where my Lonestar quilt came from.
I love your Jelly Roll. a friend of mine sent me the same fabrics but as a charm pack. I ended up making a sort of Bento Box from them.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
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