Walk from vege garden to kitchen...15 seconds. Open Microwave ...put corn in....zap for 2 mins...unwrap skin, take out silk...place on plate and eat. All of 5 minutes to harvest prepare and eat. Yeah I love that!
Sowell says
56 minutes ago
Love that! No trucks [lorries down there?], no middle man, no nasty preservative chemicals---nothing but really fresh yumminess!
Really? Wow! I never thought about cooking my corn on the cob like that. I can hardly wait for summer now!
Oh, it looks so good!
Oh! the mouth is watering already
Some one bought some green beans to sewing last wedneday ( she has a glut) and I ate raw beans gee they were good..rather they were raw than cooked.
Oh my ..... I am yearning for some summer sunshine and eating corn ... can you get any fresher?
Ah the perfect Fast Food.....yum!!
Oh Ali, absolutely nothing nicer than fresh sweet corn like that.
hugs Deb
Is it ready just after few minutes in the microwave?
Just does not get any better than that!!
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