Phew , what a busy week. Today I had to get in supplies as I hadn't got there during the week , so while heading towatds the city I thought I would pop in and get some cotton ribbon ( tape ) and some tiny buttons for what I am working on. I had checked out what I had in the cupboard and it wasn't quite what I wanted so decided to buy . After searching the extensive rows of ribbons I choose a few I thought would work then decided to get some of those very, very tiny buttons for eyes.

I should have asked how much they were I guess but was gobsmacked to discover when I got home and read the docket that I had paid 60 cents each for those little buttons. Gosh! I probably could have come up with a cheaper option. Hope they look good where I use them. ( is that the normal price....or did I get ripped off ? )
The rest of the day is to be spent catching up with correspondence and maybe some sewing. Also watering if none of the clouds bring us's getting so dry!
Woo, 60 cents! Seems the smaller the button, the larger the price. Pretty ribbons....I look forward to seeing what they are for.
Sweet ribbons! Buttons are pretty expensive here too if you buy them individually.
That seems a little high for buttons. I wonder what you are making...
Yep, that does seem high depends where you bought them of course.
If it was a quilt shop..expect to pay through the nose...
Ribboms are neat colours as well.
Olá, amiga!
Voltei para mais uma visitinha...
Seu cantinho está lindo, criativo e acolhedor...
Um ótimo fim de semana!
Itabira - Brasil
Yes that does seem exspensive but they have got quite exspensive, the price of buttons is ever increasing xxx
Regular price if compared to price here in Iceland! Didn´t the storm reach you?
I think the buttons seem a little on the pricey side. I comb garage sales for such items.
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