Answers first. The scones had 4 cups of selfraising flour ; I x 300 ml bottle of cream and enough lemonade to mix to the right consistency. ( a small can or bottle maybe, but as I don't keep those in the house, I poured out of an opened large bottle ) I put in several handfuls of sultanas but dates would be fine .( or plain ) I barely mixed the dough ( quite wet ) and just dropped spoonful lots onto the baking tray, and put into a very hot oven 220 degrees C. ( about 12 minutes ) ( don't over mix and stretch the gluten )
I watched and got scone baking tips from Camp Mother when we went at Retreat, a few weeks ago. She has lots of different recipes ( does catering ) but said if I wanted to freeze them this was the best recipe to use. She also said she soak dates before putting them in so they are not hard.

I have just finished reading this book. A kids' book really, but I enjoyed it. It is written by a local Tauranga ( NZ ), author. ( Phyllis Johnston ) I have met her and back when I had younger kids and was teaching I went to a couple of her book launches. She was good at coming to the classroom and telling and enthusing kids about reading and writing. I found this copy of the book at the Used Book fair at Easter and as I didn't own it thought I needed to, as I have copies of her other 5 books ( some signed ) They are delightful stories of life in NZ in the last 100 years and are based on her own family. This was about her mother as a teenager living in Hamilton and Piopio. Some fictitious characters are added to make the story but her own family members have told the stories her books are based on. I would heartily recommend them to good readers of about 11 upwards. ( great for reading aloud to kids or classes too. )
We have had even more rain. During fine spells I have weeded some of R's vege garden cause the weeds were almost knee high. A row of carrots I planted are sparce and struggling ( we don't grow carrots well here ). A row of Spring onions are looking bonny and we are using them. I pulled out the last row of beans and the last 2 courgettes - the rain did them in.The capsicums are still colouring up and the silverbeet is great - using lots of that. R pulled out the tomtoes last weekend and although they still had tomatoes on them disease was getting into them and to protect the soil below it was better to pull them out now. I am getting a spot prepared for a few garlic saved from my last small crop. R uses lots of it when cooking. I like just a hint. Apparently it takes about 3 years for the size of self saved garlic to be really large.
I have weeded my small strawberry patch and have 4 replacemnets to add to the runners that rooted. Some of the older plants should probably go.
The machine quilting on the butterfly quilt is making progress. I am very pleased with it so far. I found a new trick. As I was having trouble seeing the small butterfly outline I had drawn on with chalk I cut the shape out of some sticky backed white paper, and stuck those on as a guide. If carefully removed they can be used again and again and are so easy to see. It's the same idea as using masking tape to do long straight rows of quilting.
Sometime between now and the weekend I have to buy a Birthday gift for my only sister and don't know what to get as she has everything she needs but is very much into I will have to try and be original...... not easy after all these years! ( any original or unusual suggestions gratefully accepted )