Outside today is dull and drizzly. I have had my walk with the umbrella and have lots to do inside where it's warm.
Yesterday R got hearing aids. ( they are so minute they aren't visible ) He mainly needs them for listening to TV . He can't hear the higher pitched sounds. The electric jug sounds really loud now and in the truck he can hear every rattle.
My main worry is no more muttering under my breathe....he might hear what I say now!
I just used my new bargin book to see how to make a tassle for something I am making tomorrow. I'll show you when it's finished.
Love the gumboots!
Very fancy boots.
You better learn to whisper...
with ll the mud in my chookyard I really need those boots...but they would be too nice for the job! Tracey
Wow! Neat Gummies!
I have to watch what I say, since Gom has hearing aids too.
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