This is the mess on the ground where I have thrown down fruit and tangled leaf stalks.
I bet you can pick which ones need removing in these 2 photos.

This shows the crop load and why it is taking me ( us ) so long this year.( that's a bit blurry sorry. )( maybe it was making me dizzy)
My last post got some interesting responses. Thank you Laurie; Deb; Molly; Gina; Jennifer; Janice and Joolzmac.
* Laurie you can purchase the sort of moth trap in the photo at Decor ( the place you didn't like last time you went there - hehe. ) or I have since got a different cheaper brand from Palmers. ( they also have cockroach traps - I got one to try but it too has caught moths....maybe that is a good sign. )
*Joolz and Jennifer Thanks for your reinforcement of what I said re the moth trap.
* Jennifer I think trying different coffee at different cafes is a good idea and if one that is really good and too your liking turns up ask what brand they are using and can it be purchased from them.
* Molly....making coffee for one is even MORE important. You look after yourself and treat yourself as the important person, that you are.
* Deb. Thank you for your offer. Yes, I can get Hummingbird brand but have only tried Crave, not Oomph. I gave Crave 3 out of 5. Will try the Oomph next. When I was last in the supermarket I got into discussion with another customer who was uming and arring( Spelling? ) in front of the coffee. Quite by chance a rep from a coffee firm came by and heard us.( or does he lurk behind the display stand waiting to pounce? ) He was a very very pleasant person ( or was it the smell of the coffee? ) We talked for 5 minutes about our likes and dislikes and he told me the current NZ trend was for coffee with the burnt edge to it ( which I don't care for ) and guided me towards his brand Gravity for beans and Jed's for plunger in a mild roast. Both are roasted at the same firm. They sell to a large number of NZ cafes.( he said )
So far on my list no brand has earned more than 3 out of 5. Maybe I am too fussy....but I am enjoying the journey. Will keep you posted from time to time.
* Janice I guess the type of work your Mum did in an orchard was similar. At least with the kiwifruit it can be reached standing on the ground.
If the weather stays fine ( it is currently very still and overcast - very pleasant) tomorrow and Tuesday we are having our 2nd (for the season ) avocado pick. The bins are here, the forklift is here. R has taken bins to the avo blocks ready. All we need tomorrow is a fine cool day some hydraladas and careful drivers .
Yesterday the committee for my P and Q group had it's first planning meeting for the year. ( 7 out of 9 turned up )We are all trying to job share where possible to spread the load. We hope for an interesting, learning fun year. If you belong to a Guild or P and Q group and found a new idea or did a project that was particularly successful please let me know. I have already gleaned some good ideas from your blogs but just in case I missed anything please tell me ( us ) about it.
Great photos, I think I see what you are getting at in the pics! Maybe a little like us selling our smaller lambs as stores to allow the bigger ones to grow quicker and more efficiently?! Good luck for the avo picking....
You know, we buy food without thinking about its your posts are very interesting. I seem to remember several years ago a TV gardening presenter calling kiwifruit "golden hairy goat's testicles"! I'm about to have a cup of freshly ground, freshly brewed Costa Rica coffee made from the last of the beans bought on our previous trip to the local coffee roaster.
Looks like a good crop of kiwifruit. I think I passed which ones had to go - smile.
Hope weather stays fine for avocado picking (YUM)- Real cold southerly down here brrrr
Love Leanne
What a very industrious life you lead! I makes me feel quite the slob and present.
I said I would show what I was doing in the Kiwifruit at the moment.These photos taken last Friday afternoon.This photo shows the size the kiwis have got to by mid January.
Kiwi Fruit Guide
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