Saturday, July 27, 2013

More Quilts.

 Michele Hill's  class to make this  quilt was one I didn't get into. It was stunning. I later met Michele at the museum; she was as nice as her work. The detail in this work required close inspection - a photo does not do it justice. (this is the case with most of the quilts on display. )
 Another tutor I met (as she was sitting alone at lunchtime in the classroom next door to the one I was in on Monday,) was Lenore Crawford. Her class had been my #1 preference but, I didn't get  into it . I had been watching her making this scene on her blog for the last couple of months. 
 Some of the flower detail.
 and this 
 Such great fabric to find for just what she needed.
 She was very pleasant and we visited the classroom I was in and looked at Gloria Loughman's samples and quilts on display - Lenore was a big fan of her work. ( as am I. )
 Downstairs from our classroom was this excellent cafe. Here ladies queue for early morning coffee.  They know what we need!( they also did excellent soup )

If you were wearing one of these around your neck it got you into most places free as a registered participant.
 A few funny things happened. 
 About 1.15 on Saturday the fire alarm went off( you couldn't fail to hear it! ) and everybody - even the merchants had to evacuate to the bottom playing field. This is just some of the 2500 plus participants, waiting for the all clear. An urn over heating apparently or were they just seeing how well we all obeyed?
 This pitch black quilt did not photograph well. I loved it .
 In the border of a large quilt Under the African Sun by Valda Sutton were  many of these. I thought it was the best
part of the quilt.

 I loved this detail an another quilt.
 Gloria Loughman's Landscape was another of her 2 day courses - not the one I did. I have some really close photos of the detail for my own use later. She taught us lots of easy / crafty ways to do things and create texture in backgrounds and detail added bit by bit.
 More about the  classes I was in in my next post.


Jan said...

Great to hear snippets from Symposium ..loved seeing your photos will pop back to your blog to see more .thanks

Jennifer said...

More Symposium goodies......thank you!