This boat seemed more like an aircraft at times.
It is also interesting that a Kiwi started this computer graphics many years ago which allows the uninitiated to follow what is happening more easily. Following these yacht races has meant some very extended breakfasts over the last week or so, for me. Well done Team NZ you were inspirational.
Not to be outdone our young female Golfer Lydia Ko is about the win the Canadian Open for the second time.
Saturday was a brilliant warm Winter day which allowed our kiwifruit vines to get sprayed and me to spend all afternoon gardening. I'm glad I did because yesterday was the opposite - a good inside wet day, so I did some more of this.....

For some light relief I quilted these coasters. 4 out of the 6 are completed.
They each have a simple quilted star which the shape sort of dictates... here is the back.
The only other thing that has happened around here...the washing machine( a Fisher & Paykel Intuitive eco ) started misbehaving and vomited all over a load of bath towels. After much trialling and bowl cleaning it was no better and told me, "I have a code 37- please get help!"
The prompt repair man has already been this morning and $156 and a new pump unit later it is all repaired. It just washed a load perfectly. Since it is 9+ years old and washes frequently I am glad to have it repaired and back to working really well again. One comes to rely on them.
Well doene to the Kiwis! To tell you the truth, I really don't care who wins or's hard to imagine life without a washing machine, isn't it?
A code 37!! Lol are things amazing these days. Yes I would be hopeless without our washing machine if it broke down. Just take it for granted. Haven't the kiwi's been doing well. I am so thrilled for them all. Poor Lydia Koh though, so much hard work and nothing except the cup because she is still amateur.
Well, congratulations on all of the sports wins -- I wish I could say I had a clue what you're talking about, but sports are relatively foreign to me LOL (unless you count knitting and quilting which ARE definitely sports!) Very cute little coasters!
Love your kiwiana coasters, they look really great.Shirley
Love your kiwiana coasters, they look really great.Shirley
Last week my dishwasher died one day and my washing machine the next. Lucky us!
Well done, NZ. Why don’t we hear anything about other nations’ sporting prowess in the UK?
Ahem, your quilts seem perfect to this non-qilter. No doubt I don’t know what I’m talking about.
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