Another group of ladies used this time to make no sag bags.
Seen here not all totally finished.They are large bags with an internal zipped pocket. I didn't care for the corners of the binding, but the bags did seems to stand up quite well. I believe the pattern for this No Sag Bag can be found on line.
A word of CAUTION! At our group yesterday we all laughed cause you can't really cry at this.
Some years ago N had made this quilt for a member of her family. She used NZ wool batting.
Without thinking to ask her about it's laundering needs they washed it. It shrunk and went wobbly edged. Since then it has been washed about 6 times - I suspect a dog used it as a blanket. It started life as a single bed sized quilt and look at it now.
I think Australian wool batting may be pre shrunk? I have used that in quilts I use in this house but I am well warned I would never put wool batting in any quilt I was giving away. I suggested N had started a new graze for felted ruched quilts.
Something else we don't really "do" in NZ is Halloween. But retailers try to push it. One of our members M is having a party for her nephews and some kids in her street. She wanted to decorate her shed so had whipped up this quilt with red light eyes.

It is a long weekend here in NZ.( Labour weekend. ) Most of my time will be taken up with garden jobs. I have a very long list starting with mowing all the lawns, which are quite long and leaf littered.Planting and weeding to do too.Orange picking and nut collecting too. If it rains as it just might I have an indoor list too.
Be happy!
Thanks for your comment. How discouraging that you wouldn't have recognised me! I actually don't think that Ross and Peter look remotely alike, nor Kirsten and Nicholas. However - maybe I just don't see it! All very interesting...
Oh wow -- how sad about that quilt. Kellie has encouraged me to try wool batting (something we just don't do) and I actually bought some to try, but I didn't even think about the implications in washing. Thanks for the post -- what a big help for me!
On another note -- having read Isabelle's post not too long ago, and her comment above mine here, I had to laugh. I totally agree with you -- and can see the family resemblances. Although, I would have recognized her but not Mr. Life!
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