Good Morning Bloggy Friends, especially Kelly, Jennifer, Sue, Maureen, Deb Thimbleanna and Isabelle. I do so appreciate your comments and the fact you pop in to say Hi. It's good to meet some new commentors. Regarding the Hoya bella photo. Yes,Isabelle mine is growing outside in a very sheltered warm corner in a large blue pot. I have to feed it iron sulphate quite often or the leaves become very pale and yellowed. A dose of that watered in and it is soon bright green again. I think mine may have flowered twice this year? It is extremely sticky, so glad mine is outside. I think I have always had a soft spot for this plant as my Nana had a large one growing right along her veranda . ( in a chillier climate )I think I have a soft spot for many plants I first met in during my early years in my Mum's or Nana's gardens. I also got the gardening gene.

As we had an abundance of Feijoas ( pineapple guavas ) I cooked and froze a couple of batches. I love looking at the various patterns the inside jelly part makes. It depends how well pollinated each fruit is, as to how many loops it makes. With Feijoas you either love or hate them. Have too many or not enough! I couldn't help noticing the shapes were very like the flowers I am appliquéing.
Here I am roasting some of my red capsicum to make into roasted capsicum and cashew dip. I love red capsicum!
Outside signs of Autumn continue. I don't care for this colour of Wind Anemones but they do put on a good display. I much prefer my pale pink and really like the white ones. They are not nearly as invasive as these - I suspect original old double dark pink / cerise ones. The red tree is a Viburnum.
On Friday at my Patchwork and Quilting Group we sometimes have a member give her Quilt Journey. Something I started back in 2010. We have listened to many since then. This lady has been quilting for many years and started quilting mostly by hand but now uses the machine more. Her very first Grandmother's Garden type quilt remains unfinished.......
She has made numerous quilts over the years; has given a few away, but sadly keeps all her quilts in a cupboard - none on her beds or walls as she thinks her cat would spoil them. (I have a different opinion ) Her family have said they don't want them!
Here are a few I liked.
This is a reversible wall hanging( or could be! )
I also took a photo of my friend D's table mats she is making as a gift for a family. Just using up 2.5" squares she had. She is making a set of 8.
Meanwhile I have progressed a tiny bit ,working on appliquéd flower # 7. ( photo next time )
I too have a friend who has made dozens ( I am not exagerating) and they are all shelf warmers in a cupboard. She doesn't have one on any bed. She makes quilts because she loves the process.
I love feijoas and bought some the other day at $8.99 a kilo, I only bought 4 and they were so delicious and huge
I'm afraid I'm a culprit of having some quilts folded away. Sinful really isn't it. Have only got a small cottage, no room for displaying. Scared the sun will destroy!Have got a couple out on the settee and my sewing chair just to look at.The quilts made by your patchwork member look great.They would have given her many hours of happiness making them.Shirley
yummy, love feijoas. As you say though Ali they have a taste all of their own and it is a matter of either loving or hating them although how anyone could hate them I have no idea. Looking at the photo of your hoya reminds me of one Mum had. It was beautiful and dripped its honey as we called it, all over the table.
I have terrible trouble commenting on your blog as well as others, blogger won't let me open up "post a comment" box, such a pain but don't worry I have the ability to get into the comment section the old way!! Thank goodness.
I thought I better leave a comment and stop being a lurker. In fact, I know of you through my mother in law, Pamela G's friend. So Hi! from up here in Paihia!
Enjoying watching your garden as mine is nothing to display.
And what a shame your group member's family doesn't want her quilts! They don't know how lucky they are to have all that work offered to them.
How sad that none of her family want them. I'd have them in a heartbeat. My cats think the quilts are made just for them! I don't mind that, they're there for the using. No feijoas on our two wee trees this year, maybe next year. I am expecting huge bucketloads from our neighbour at some point, I often come home and find some left by the front door.
What a great idea the quilting journey is! Lovely to see the vsriety of quits made over the years. I am patiently waiting for our feijoas to ripen - we seem to have later varieties so by the time they come I am drooling (yes, I am of the Love 'em tyoe!).
Your friend's quilts are lovely.....I specially love the blue quilt with white stars! Tried a feijoa once and didn't care for it......perhaps I should try another to see if my tastes have changed.
Your quilt member is a clever lady, so sad to not be using them though. The capsicum/cashew dip sounds gorgeous, any recipes you'd like to share??
Hi Ali, that dip sounds nice, can you freeze it?
I've finally had a chance to sit down and read some blogs. You've been very busy outdoors. It's looking great. My dad always looked for feijoa jam when he was out and about, but you don't get it often over here.
I'm amazed that her family don't want them! What a shame!
Interesting that your hoya grows outside. Mine blooms well in my kitchen but usually just once a year. They are amazing flowers, aren't they? I keep having to point out to people that they're not plastic!
I've never heard of those fruits, whose name I've now forgotten. Feijoas, another commenter says. Aren't blogs educational?
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!
Giaonhan247 chuyên dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng đi mỹ cũng như dịch vụ ship hàng mỹ từ dịch vụ nhận mua hộ hàng mỹ từ website nổi tiếng Mỹ là mua hàng amazon về VN uy tín, giá rẻ.
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