Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Fortunate One.

Earlier today we ( and most of NZ ) had quite a storm. High winds and rain going sideways.( this lawn is now littered with leaves and small branches. ) About 68 mls fell this morning.( after 37 during the night )
 I was the fortunate one. I got to stay inside. R had to venture out as he had an appointment to give blood and do a few errands. It is very difficult to take photos of storms as it stills the movement.
 Luckily here the water gets away quickly - here by way of a down pipe off the roof.
 So I got to do inside things. I made focaccia bread to go with soup. I sewed some small 7.5 " blocks, like this blue one
 From these which I have been cutting out over the last few days. 
 I decided I liked them sorted into colour families rather than all just random.

 I also started winding an  inner for felt embroidered ball # 24.
 I mainly use the quilt batting trimmings from down the sides of my quilts.
I start the ball by taping 2 bottle tops together with a rattle inside then wind and wind ( like a ball of wool ) till I have a round inner the right size for one of these.
 This is ball # 23 that I have almost finished . I do this in the evenings while watching TV. I keep a notebook in which I record every one of the 23 balls I have made so far. What is on them and who I gave them to.
 Now late afternoon the storm has passed. This wet will have held up all the early kiwifruit picking.( most packhouses in the area had started picking )  A lot of drying out will be needed as orchards will be wet and the fruit and leaves very wet.
 Sunshine now please!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Love the blocks, a great way to use up small scraps, what size are the small squares? I made tomato soup today, no bread made though, I'm cutting out the bread for a while. We bought some new season kiwifruits yesterday, bit hard at the moment though, lovely and big they are.

Raewyn said...

I love your felt balls - and the rattle idea in the centre is a great one. We got 48 mls which was welcome and the winds didn't do too much damage in our sheltered valley.

Thimbleanna said...

Those little balls are so cute -- and it's interesting how you make the inner rattle! I love that you keep a little notebook with all the history and details!

Nicky said...

What a storm it was! We had strong (but warm) winds on Thursday and Friday, but apart from a little rain last night I think we may have been the place to be this Easter!
I love the little balls, they are so sweet, and it's great to see how they're made 'behind the scenes'. I hope you've had a lovely Easter.