Tuesday, February 03, 2015

3 Good Things.

Over the last 3 days we have had a little much needed rain, mainly during the night. We also got our Avocados picked. 15.5 bins. The second pick for the season . That's it for this season.( 45.5 bins all together ) Next round will be in November 2015.( that fruit is already set and just tiny at the moment ).
 On Sunday I snuck away for a couple of hours up to Katipatch Garden Party and Quilt Hanging. The weather was cloudy( quite a relief after all the sunny days )  and a bit dodgy but they got away with it.

 Quilts were put up quickly after a shower and most weren't named. This was hand quilted. That's a fantail.

Quilts were hung against the shed; in the shed on the washing lines and in one room. Why not?

 There were stalls and refreshments.The garden is lovely. Mr. B has all manner of fruit trees and  a vege patch.( avocados;blueberries ; strawberries passionfruit ;apples; pears and currants.)
 If you are in the area Katipatch is well worth the visit. You can also order on line. Carol and her helpers are all lovely knowledgeable ladies.


Deb said...

There certainly hasn't been much in the way of rain has there Ali. Great lot of advocados this year for you. I love all of those quilts hanging, they look great.

Jennifer said...

What lovely quilts - thank you for the pics!

Thimbleanna said...

Three wonderful things! Thanks for sharing all the quilt pictures -- some beauties in there!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Lovely quilts, so much work goes into them it's great they can be showcased this way. The rain has been welcome, very welcome in fact.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...
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